Cancel your Podcast App subscription
To cancel your subscription on an iPhone or iPad:
Go to Settings.
Tap your Apple ID listed at the top of the screen.
Click on Subscriptions.
Tap on "The Podcast App" subscription.
If you do not see The Podcast App listed, you are using the free version of the app and have not activated a subscription trial.
If you see The Podcast App subscription, tap the Cancel Subscription button.
If you do not see the "Cancel Subscription" button, your subscription has already been canceled.
Once the suscription is canceled, you will no longer see a cancel button. Instead, you will see an "Expires [date]" listed in the subscription description in the Your Subscription section on that page, with renewal options below.
For more information on canceling your subscription and getting a refund, click here.
To cancel your subscription on an Android phone or tablet:
Open the Google Play Store.
Ensure you are signed in to the correct Google Account.
Click on your profile, which appears as a circle with your photo or name in the upper right corner.
Tap Payments & Subscriptions.
Tap Subscriptions
Select the subscription you want to cancel.
Tap Cancel subscription.
For more information on getting a refund from Google Play, click here.