Subscriptions and Payments
Upgrade to Podcast App Premium
To get a premium subscription: Tap on the Premium button located in the lower right corner of the app. A screen will appear displaying all the premi...
Update your payment information
iOS You can find the instructions for updating your payment method on Apple by clicking here . Our app does not have built-in payment settings. For...
Subscription Not Recognized
If you encounter issues with your subscription not being recognized after changing devices or reinstalling the Podcast App, follow these steps: iOS: L...
Cancel Free Trial for Podcast App
iOS To cancel your free trial on an iPhone or iPad: Go to Settings on your device. Tap your Apple ID listed at the top of the screen. Click on Subscri...
Cancel your Podcast App subscription
iOS To cancel your subscription on an iPhone or iPad: Go to Settings. Tap your Apple ID listed at the top of the screen. Click on Subscriptions. Tap o...
Request a refund for Premium Subscription
To request a refund for your Premium Subscription please follow these steps: iOS Go to Settings → iTunes & App Stores → Click on your Apple ID → View ...
Check purchase history on iPhone
To check your purchase history on your iPhone, follow these steps: Go to Settings. Select your Account (the one at the top with your name). Tap on Med...
Find expiration date of my Podcast App subscription
iOS To check the expiration date of your subscription on an iPhone or iPad: Open Settings. Tap your Apple ID at the top of the screen. Select Subscrip...